
Merchandise sold on this site is made on demand. Therefore, it will be shipped as soon as it is processed/printed.


Estimated shipping times*

North America : 3 – 7 business days
Europe : 10 – 20 business days
Australia, New Zealand and Oceania : 10 – 20 business days
Asia Pacific : 10 – 20 business days
Latin America and the Caribbean : 10 – 20 business days
North Africa and the Middle East : 10 – 20 business days

*These are only estimates and are not guaranteed

Customs and import taxes

Buyers are responsible for any customs and/or import taxes that may apply. Customs may cause delays


Returns are accepted 14 days after delivery. Return shipping is customer’s responsibility. Contact us at info@drew2u.com to obtain return instructions.

Cancellations are not accepted

Lost/Stolen Shipping

We are not responsible for items that have been declared as “delivered” by tracking but are lost, stolen or missing.


We reserve the right to refuse to process any order that is a suspected fraudulent order. We also support and will assist any official agency in tracking, investigating and prosecuting offenders. We 100% support law enforcement and their investigation efforts.